1st Honesty,(what a building block) honesty brings so many blessings. It is the makings of honour, it makes you trustworthy, and shows you are credible. I truly do believe the saying "It is better to be trusted than to be loved." (David O. McKay) I hope that my son would make this his motto. It is hard not to love a son, even when they aren't obedient. But trust will bring endearment and even love.
2nd Chastity, not only for him personally, but I hope that I can instill in him the importantance of how to treat the gentler gender. Of all the things a man could steal in this world, the worst is the virtue of a young lady. It is the one thing you could never return! I would also try to show him in all my actions how he ought to be chivalrous. (a lost art.)
3rd faith, he needs to learn that there is a higher power than himself, this is why I would teach him about his father's faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. All of us will be lost until we come to a realization of Deity and our relationship to him. I believe that this would be the most important bit of knowledge I could impart to him. It will be the key for most of his interaction with the rest of humanitiy.
There are a whole host of other items I would love to teach him: Loyality, Kindness, Respectfulness, Cleanilness, and Charity. He should learn those things which are worth fighting for: Wife, Children,Life, Liberty, Property, and every other God given right, including the freedom to worship God. There seems like so much to share and yet so little time to do it in. I guess the best part about trying to raise a good man, is making sure I set a good example.
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