Before I even get started with this blog someone will say " I don't have someone I can be a role model to." That is a LIE! We all have someone we can influence. We do not have to be the sole molder of an individual in order to be a role model for them. We can start with family. Those of us who have siblings or marry someone with siblings can be an influence in the lives of our nieces or nephews. You may say "but they have good parents; why do I need to assert myself into their lives?" Well, someday our children will convince themselves that their parents don't know everything. (and they will be right) Next, our children will come up with the idea that they know everything. (and they will be wrong) As parents we need as much positive help as we can get. (remember that those role models who don't share your worldview are likely to be a hindrance, so avoid them like the plague.) Our children need to be reinforced with what we are trying to instill in them, and that what we are trying to teach them is in their best interest. Role models help fill the void that creeps into the minds of our posterity. Here the golden rule applies "do unto others, as you would have them do unto you." So we ought to extend ourselves to be a good role model to others, not just waiting around for others to help us. After being a "shining example" to our nieces and nephews, we ought to turn our attention to any other areas of influence. If we attend church, are involved in community activities, neighborhood programs..etc, we will have the opportunity to be a role model. If we have children, they will desire to congregate with friends, or they will petition you to allow them to stay the night with their buddies. We should take every opportunity to have those venues be at our house. There are two reasons for wanting this: First, you will know and have some control over the activities of your children. Second, this is the chance you will have to influence them. No tactics are needed, you do not have to read up on mind control techniques, nor do you need to perform any water boarding to make them glean anything from you- Just be yourself. Do not change the person you are when your child's friends come over. YOUR CHILDREN WILL EXPOSE YOU AS A FRAUD IF YOU ARE NOT YOURSELF. This is important and I want to make sure it is clear. Kids talk, and if you are pretending to be someone you are not your children will rat you out (not to mention this will lower you in their esteem). Just treat their friends how you would treat your own children. Don't let them get away with things your kids can't get away with, and don't change your habits just because someone is visiting your home. For example, if you are used to praying over meals, don't skip it because someone is visiting your home. If you enjoy reading with your children instead of watching television, don't make an exception because you have a guest. If you are in the habit of telling your children you love them, continue doing so, regardless of who is listening. These maybe the only times your kids' friends will have the chance to see a functional family. This also could just be a good reminder to them, that it is ok for a family to interact this way. (like the case of your nieces and nephews with good parents) Just think to yourself: who were the individuals in your life that really help to mold you? Did you feel inspired because they sat you down and told you how to be a good person? Or did those role models just show you that example by their lives and actions, and you just wanted to imitate them? Make those kinds of memories for someone else today, and be a role model.
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