"The best way to show Love to your children is by loving their mother..... Come on, you have got to be kidding!" But why not? First of all, do not misunderstand this blog, I do not believe that only loving your children's mother will convey the amount of love they need. If a father never holds his children when they are hurt or sad, if he neglects to kiss them good night or tell them he loves them, or if he becomes to busy to read with them or play with his children- then he will be greatly disappointed with the results that come from only loving their mother. The truth is that if a Man has a foundation of love already established then this key step is going to catapult him in the eyes of his offspring. You may ask: why? What kind of magic is found in the love of a secondary person of interest? Think about it, there is an undeniable fact that children have a special bound that is formed with their mothers. Can you really raise your vocie and yell at her without it impacting them? If you tell your wife how much you love her and yet you continue to abuse her, whether it be with words or some means of force, your children will see that your love is conditional. They will grow to understand that in order to be loved by you they must always please YOU! We know that will never be a reality, all of humanity is imperfect, we cannot expect our children ( or for that matter our wives) to always do those things that will please us. ( And if this is our expection then our wives and children will expect the same of us. Now if we love their mother and look past her imperfections (even if that means not criticising in public or otherwise for a meal that didn't turn out.) and we let our disagreements take place out of sight and sound of our little ones, they will see an example of love that they will feel is attainable for them. In this life of child-rearing there may be times (very frequent times ) of correction that must be given. If we neglect to give quick correction when it is due, then we are impeding the proper growth and maturity of our seeds. For as adults there is an authority that we have to obey, and if we do not learn that lesson when we are young it can mean greater consequences for us in society. If we are prone by necessity to correct the actions of our children, would it not give them sense of hope to see the relationship between a husband and wife, which did not include critical correction or punishment. (There are many that need to "man-up" and guard their tongues better than they do when it comes to expressing themselves to their wives.) Again, who spends more time in the home with the children, the role of a mother is clear in this aspect. So if a man were to keep his wife happy, (through positive reinforcement) like with flowers, "I love you" notes, or whatever she truly likes, this will translate into a happy home. The mother will then be able to give more time and attention to her children and husband. This should translate into sons who learn how to treat a woman, and daughters who will seek the respect they deserve. Though this love may not manifest itself for sometime, (it may take them until they are married with kids of their own) they will thank you for loving them by loving their mother!
Seems you are one of a kind, hope more read and take this insightful tool to bring more love and respect into thier homes. Bravo - can't wait to read more!